Top 5 Popular VET Courses in Australia

Australia is one of the countries with a high-quality education system. In addition to many top-ranked universities, Vocational Education and Training courses or VET courses are also famous.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a course that focuses on the required skills for a specific job. The top 5 popular VET courses are as follows;

1. HealthCare

The Health Care course has the best opportunities to apply for a permanent residence (PR) in Australia because the course focuses on studying how to take care of children and elderly persons, plus studying this course could become a nurse in future. Therefore, Health Care skills are in great demand in Australia because of the shortage of childcare providers, elderly caregivers, and nurses which is why learning HealthCare is the easiest way to apply for PR.

2. Commercial Cookery

A Commercial Cookery course is popular among international students aiming for Permanent Residence (PR). Commercial Cookery focuses on learning cooking from theory to practice and other services in restaurants. The skills from this course are in high demand in many countries, especially Australia.

3. Hospitality and Tourism

This course focuses on the services in the hotel business, such as management, problem-solving, and dealing with customers. Hospitality is a large job industry which can guarantee that after taking this course, you will get employed.

4. Leadership & Management

For anyone who is looking for additional skills in managing a large organization or wants to step up to a higher position, whether with better leadership skills, communication skills, or effective management skills, the Leadership & Management course is your answer. Leadership & Management course focuses on how to become a leader in the future.

5. Business Management

The Business Management course focuses on business management skills which are suitable for those who want to be an entrepreneur, who wants to run their own business and who want to learn management and business strategy for all business processes to be successful in the business industry.


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NEW AMBITIONS Consultancy provides life-changing education for global citizens. For over 20 years, our mission has been to give confidence and freedom to people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds.


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