Statement of Purpose (SOP)

A Statement of Purpose (SOP), also known as a research statement or a letter of intent, is written to the admissions committee and discusses your career path, interests, professional accomplishments, ambitions, and motivation for pursuing a specific degree. This is typically submitted as an essay.

A good Statement of Purpose should be written to cover all 4 topics as follows

🧡 Introduction

This topic is on self-introduction to show your interests, the reasons why you would like to study in Australia, family relationships, and work experience.

🧡 Educational History

This section is written to show you educational history, such as the last education qualification, diploma, or certificate and to demonstrate the relevance of previous studies and the subject that you are going to study in Australia.

🧡 Reason for Selecting Australia

This section explains the reason why you choose to study in Australia. The reason why it has to be Australia, and not your home country.

🧡 Future Plan

In this section, you are going to write the plan for the future. You should write about what are you going do to with the knowledge you gained, and what is the next step after going back to your hometown.

🚫 Things you should not do in the SOP

1. Copy others’ SOP as your own.

2. Write false statements in the SOP, such as educational history or work experience

3. Write the irrelevant information in the SOP

Source: SOP Example

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NEW AMBITIONS Consultancy provides life-changing education for global citizens. For over 20 years, our mission has been to give confidence and freedom to people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds.


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