Australian National University’s Scholarships for International Students

Hello ! Are you looking for scholarships in Australia? It is very specific scholarships from Australian National University’s Scholarships for International Students. Let get the details below.

🎓 Name: ANU Chancellor’s International Scholarship

🧑‍🎓Level: Graduate/Post-graduate programs

Any eligible program except:

– Doctor Of Medicine and Surgery (MChD)

– Master Of Military and Defence Studies


🧡 The scholarship will provide a 25% or 50% tuition fee reduction, as described above.

🎯Application Process: It is not necessary to apply for the scholarship. All qualified international students who apply for admission to start at the university will be automatically considered.

*Both your academic offer and your scholarship offer must be accepted separately. Your scholarship offer letter will include additional information. Number of Scholarships: 200

🧑‍🎓 Applicant Eligibility To be eligible for this scholarship, the students must;

1. Be classified as an overseas student under the Education Services for Foreign Students Act of 2000 and do not possess a 995 visa (unless enrolling in an eligible postgraduate program).

2. Be offered admission to begin at the University in an approved program. (excluding the programs indicated above);

3. Meet the conditions of the program for which they have received an offer of admission, including the requirement to be onshore for some components.

4. Be not received a scholarship previously for the same level of study.

Closing Date: N/A


If you are interested in study in Australia and seek for scholarship, feel free to talk with our NAICE Team. We will guide and support you along the jouney.

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