15 Australian Slang Phases You Must Know

Before studying abroad in Australia, NAICE would like to share some words with you that Aussie love to use, and you might have a chance to hear them when you are there.

G’Day, means Hi, Hello

Sheila, means A woman

Ta, means Thank you

Hooroo, means Goodbye

Barbie, means Barbecue

Banger, means Sausage

Brekkie, means Breakfast

Ankle-biter, means a Child

Arvo, means Afternoon

Roo, means Kangaroo

Ace, means Awesome, Excellent

Sunnies, means Sunglasses

Bloke, means A man

Chook, means Chicken

Loo, Dunny, means Restroom

Source: https://www.mondly.com/blog/87-australian-slang-terms-speak-aussie/

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